Howto: auto-start ssh-agent with systemd on Debian Bullseye

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Please note: at the time of writing, Debian Bullseye is not stable yet. This recipe might not work in a released version. Please email me if that happens!

I just moved from Xfce4 (and X11) to Sway (and Wayland). Unlike Xfce, which is a full-fledged desktop environment, Sway is just a window manager; all it does is lay out windows on my screen. Of all the bells and whistles that a DE like Xfce provides, the one I most sorely miss is starting ssh-agent upon login.

The problem

Quick recap: SSH is a way to log into remote machines, securely. Aside from passwords, it can authenticate using cryptographic keys. Unfortunately, keys themselves have passwords, but thanks to the magic of math, decrypted keys can be stored in memory and re-used without much security risk. That’s what ssh-agent does.

Upon startup, ssh-agent creates a “local socket”, a particular kind of file that other programs can use to talk to the agent. But how do these programs find that file? They read the path from an environment variable called SSH_AUTH_SOCK. Since processes inherit their parents’ environments, the easiest way to initialize this variable is to set it upon login, even before the DE or WM starts up.

Potential solutions

To start ssh-agent before a WM, I could add a few lines to ~/.xinitrc, but that’s for X11. How do I do this for Wayland? Unlike X11, where WMs talk to an X client, Wayland compositors like Sway talk directly to the kernel. I could tweak Sway’s config, but that’s lame. What if I switch to a different compositor? I want a universal solution.

What other parts of the system know that I’m logging in? Systemd does! It even has a, and openssh-client comes with a user ssh-agent.service, hooking into the target mentioned above. Perfect!

Except it doesn’t work. Apparently, no-one uses That’s definitely a case on my system:

$ systemctl --user status
● - Session services which should run early before the graphical session is brought up
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/; static; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: inactive (dead)
       Docs: man:systemd.special(7)

The generally accepted workaround is to create a systemd user service. That’s like an autostart in a DE, but with systemd. The ArchWiki recipe needed a tweak to work on Bullseye, so let me recount it in full.

The final solution

First, create a file ~/.config/systemd/user/ssh-agent.service:

Description=SSH key agent

# %t resolves to XDG_RUNTIME_DIR; see SPECIFIERS section in systemd.unit(5)
ExecStart=/usr/bin/ssh-agent -D -a "%t/ssh-agent.socket"


This is a systemd unit that forks ssh-agent upon the user’s first login. Now, instruct systemd to use the service:

$ systemctl --user enable ssh-agent.service

Next, add the following to ~/.pam_environment:


Note that the path here must be the same as the one we used in the unit file, above.

Finally, the tweak that makes Debian Bullseye actually read the user’s environment file: append the following at the end of /etc/pam.d/common-session:

# Read ~/.pam_environment
session required readenv=0 user_readenv=1

This file is sourced by other PAM configs, including passwd, sshd, and gdm-password. By adding a single line here, we make it so that ~/.pam_environment is read no matter how you log into your system. And that’s it!

Bonus: with this, you don’t need Xfce’s ssh-agent anymore, so disable it:

$ xfconf-query \
    -c xfce4-session \
    -p /startup/ssh-agent/enabled \
    -n -t bool -s false

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